May 27, 2015
A Very Holy Bravery
(For my best friend, JR)
(For my best friend, JR)
A very holy
bravery my cousin showed tonight.
She knows a
living battle, and oft’ has kneeled to fight.
And now she
asks assistance from me that I would pray
For her to
win this battle she fights within today.
The Father
Who has loved her and saved her as His own
Knows what
a fight within her is vying for His throne.
He sits as
King of Glory upon the golden seat
there, within her heart, where she and He do meet.
I know our
LORD can win this, but struggles come before;
I must
kneel down, petition, the victory from my LORD.
“My Father,
help my sister, who’s going through this war.
saved her soul, but foulest fiends are knocking at her door.
They hate
Thy Name of Glory; they’d dare destroy Thy child.
I know that
Thou art greater: You can o’ercome all wilds.
My sister
struggles hardly, she calls and begs for Thee.
Make haste,
my LORD, to help her. Now be availed, I
The heart
is quite deceitful; it makes us think we’re fine,
Or puts us
in a misery, (despondent, mucky clime).
I know that
Thou art greater, e’en when our hearts condemn:
Jesus is
our Savior! There’s nought greater than Him!
And so I
beg Thy help LORD, to aid my sister dear.
Destroy all
that’s against Thee, all sin, and every fear.”